I offer support packages to choose from or you build your own. It’s easiest to talk about it in person but here is a brief overview. For pricing and to talk about your needs, reach out!

Here are some facts about the benefits of my doula support

I give you emotional, physical, and informational support tailored to your needs! That’s right!! No one-fits-all-solution as may be provided by your care provider and hospital because I get to know you and your needs and wishes. I have time to fully focus on YOU and become your birth bestie! It honestly goes hand in hand with you getting the best medical care because you’ll know what questions to ask at your appointments. I also provide you with resources surrounding pregnancy, birth, and postpartum. Need a chiropractor, pediatrician, lactation consultant, or other? I got you covered.

Doulas improve your experience of birth and many measurable medical outcomes as well.

Doula support lowers cesarean risk dramatically, shortens labor, has a measurable positive impact on the bond between mother and baby, and also on the mother’s bond and satisfaction with her partner. Don’t forget, your partner is also going to be born into a new role and will be by your side supporting you throughout labor. I’ll teach your partner to be the best labor companion possible. They’ll appreciate having help when all you know is that whatever they are doing isn’t right.

Doulas reduce the need for medications and medical procedures that carry risks, including forceps and vacuum extraction. Doulas even reduce a mother’s risk of postpartum mood disorder.

The benefit of having a doula extends to the hospital and the care provider. Doulas reduce a myriad of risks for mothers and babies. Studies also show conclusively that women who have doula support during their births are happier with their experiences and have higher patient satisfaction scores.

“But I am having a C-Section?!”

No matter the way you give birth, you benefit from doula support! Chances are you are taking your partner with to the operating room, right!? Well, after baby is born and shown to you, they’ll usually go with the baby while the doctors close you back up, leaving you with all your emotions by yourself. As your doula, I stay by your side.

“There is no way I’m going to have this baby without an epidural!”

That’s great! If an epidural is your choice and the way you want to give birth, I’ll support you in this choice. As a matter of fact, with an epidural you’ll benefit just as much from my support. Helping you progress with the epidural by showing you different labor positions and utilizing tools to speed things along so you get to greet your baby is what I’m trained to do.

So what does a doula do?

Doulas provide non-medical support. This means that as your doula I provide care that is geared to reduce your risks, increase your comfort, and provide you with support, leaving clinical tasks such as monitoring and diagnosis to your caregivers. I use a variety of techniques to help your labor progress normally, reduce your pain and discomfort, and to help you make decisions about your care that reflect your values and needs. I encourage and assists you in having excellent communication with your care providers. Because I am German, I can bridge that language gap for you so you don’t have to worry about missing anything important.

Additionally, and unlike other caregivers during your birth, I am with you continuously and focus only on you!

I do not give medical advice, make clinical assessments or diagnoses, or interfere in your relationship with your healthcare providers.

How can I support you?